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I like the pace and the level of difficulty which is not too high. And I like the art, especially the squirrel animation very much.

Occasionally the squirrel would come through the walls (eg, dropping from up high) and then there is this brief moment of being stuck, but it happens like once a level at most.


Thanks! I wanted to make something that wasn't too long just to be a quick little game for the jam, and also because I think 3 levels was about all I had time to make before the deadline. I've tried to diagnose how exactly the player can go through walls or get stuck in the floors, but it's still a mystery to me! As long as it doesn't break the game I am ok with that this time around :)

Damn, I missed 1 acorn! Great game, especially considering it was your first game and you made the art yourself!

Hey thanks for playing! Heheh I made one of them more sneaky than the others just to see who was playing attention ;) 

Just a general acorn tip, I put round numbers in each level, I think 30 30 40? 

Got stuck in the rock/under the floor on the 2nd level, but otherwise a really cute little game. Good job <3

Thanks! Sigh, getting stuck in the floor has been my arch-nemesis so far

Like the run and idle animations, really cool! Well done!


Cool game. A little hard as the movement is so quick but I suppose squirrels move quick ! Loved the run animation really caught  me off guard as i didn't expect it. Thats how a squirrel runs though, cool.

Thanks for playing! I've seen the squirrels in my backyard do some pretty crazy stunts, maybe the game is truer to life than it seems! o.O


This is a really awesome first game you got!  The graphics were done really well especially the squirrel's idle animation.  The platforming felt a bit wonky, but as the developer I'm sure you're kind of aware of this.  There were times where I couldn't jump or would get stuck in the walls or would think I made a jump but fell through the platform.  I think once you get the platforming feeling tight, you'll be on to some truly great stuff.  Congrats on your first entry!

Thank you for playing! I had a lot of fun doing the animations, so I'm definitely going to try more of that for future games. Yes, sorry the platforms can be kind of wonky, I haven't figured out what causes that exactly, since behind the scenes all the collision boundaries look solid... In the meantime, if you do happen to get stuck, I made it so if you push R it will 'R'eset you back to the beginning position. Weird things would happen to me too, once I just jumped straight through a wall sideways!

This is something that helped me when I made my first platformer:

Basically there's a lot of hidden movement mechanics like coyote time we take for granted in a lot of platformers but when they're not there, it feels off.  Apologies if none of this is new knowledge to you, but hopefully you can find some cool tricks to add to your next game from this!

Thanks for sharing this video, I learned a lot! I hadn't considered a lot of these little quality of life improvements, but they make a lot of sense and I would love to implement them. The smaller jump for a shorter button press is a great idea! Ah the trailing dust particles... I thought about that at one point but decided to nix it to work on something else. So many great ideas!